Phase 2 of the Survey of Child Support Awards: Final Report
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of a number of individuals for their support throughout this project. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following members of the Family, Children and Youth Section, Department of Justice Canada, for their advice and guidance: Catherine Thomson, Jane Gibson and Jim Sturrock. We would especially like to thank Jane Gibson, who also constructed the database used to examine child support order amounts in relation to table amounts as specified in the Child Support Guidelines.
We would like to express our gratitude as well to the individuals at each participating court site who have the responsibility for collecting the data for the Survey of Child Support Awards. We realize they face a challenging task in collecting relevant data from files that vary greatly in the amount of information they contain, and we very much appreciate their efforts. Thanks also to Kenty Adams of Neurofinance Inc. in Montreal for maintaining the database used to generate the results presented in this report.
Finally, we would like to thank Linda Haggett of the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF) for her assistance in formatting and typing portions of this report. CRILF is conducting this project under contract to the Department of Justice Canada. CRILF is supported by a grant from the Alberta Law Foundation.
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