Children Come First: A Report to Parliament Reviewing the Provisions and Operation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines - Volume 2
Description of figures
Figure 1. Family Type at Birth for Children Born in Various Years
- 1963: Single parent 4%, Common-law 2%, Marriage common-law before 1%, Marriage no common-law before 93%
- 1973: Single parent 6%, Common-law 3%, Marriage common-law before 4%, Marriage no common-law before 87%
- 1983: Single parent 5%, Common-law 10%, Marriage common-law before 25%, Marriage no common-law before 60%
- 1993: Single parent 9%, Common-law 20%, Marriage common-law before 33%, Marriage no common-law before 38%
Figure 2. Proportion of Canadian Children Born in Various Years Who Were Born to a Single Parent or Whose Parents Separated
- 1987-1988 Cohorts: age of child 6, 22.5%
- 1983-1984 Cohorts: age of child 10, 25%
- 1971-1973 Cohorts: age of child 16, 27.5%
- 1961-1963 Cohorts: age of child 20, 24%
Figure 3. Canadian Children Born in 1983-84 into a Two-Parent Family Whose Parents Have Separated
- 1987-1988 Cohorts: age of child 6, 22.5%
- 1983-1984 Cohorts: age of child 10, 25%
- 1971-1973 Cohorts: age of child 16, 27.5%
- 1961-1963 Cohorts: age of child 20, 24%
Map of Canada, numbered in conjunction with provinces
- Yukon. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 2000. No designation.
- British Columbia. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 14, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
- Northwest Territories. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on November 1, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
- Alberta. No provincial Guidelines.
- Nunavut. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 1999. No designation.
- Manitoba. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments. Designation in effect since June 1, 1998.
- Saskatchewan. Adopted FCSG on May 1, 1997. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
- Prince Edward Island. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on November 27, 1997. Designation in effect since January 1, 1998. (B)
- Quebec. Adopted its own guidelines. Designation in effect since May 1, 1997.
- Ontario. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on December 1, 1997. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
- Newfoundland. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
- News Brunswick. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments. Designation in effect since May 1, 1998.
- Nova Scotia. Adopted FCSG with minor Amendments on August 31, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
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