Children Come First: A Report to Parliament Reviewing the Provisions and Operation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines - Volume 2

Description of figures

Figure 1. Family Type at Birth for Children Born in Various Years

[ Return to Figure 1 ]

Figure 2. Proportion of Canadian Children Born in Various Years Who Were Born to a Single Parent or Whose Parents Separated

[ Return to Figure 2 ]

Figure 3. Canadian Children Born in 1983-84 into a Two-Parent Family Whose Parents Have Separated

[ Return to Figure 3 ]

Map of Canada, numbered in conjunction with provinces

  1. Yukon. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 2000. No designation.
  2. British Columbia. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 14, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
  3. Northwest Territories. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on November 1, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
  4. Alberta. No provincial Guidelines.
  5. Nunavut. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 1999. No designation.
  6. Manitoba. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments. Designation in effect since June 1, 1998.
  7. Saskatchewan. Adopted FCSG on May 1, 1997. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
  8. Prince Edward Island. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on November 27, 1997. Designation in effect since January 1, 1998. (B)
  9. Quebec. Adopted its own guidelines. Designation in effect since May 1, 1997.
  10. Ontario. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on December 1, 1997. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
  11. Newfoundland. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments on April 1, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.
  12. News Brunswick. Adopted FCSG with minor amendments. Designation in effect since May 1, 1998.
  13. Nova Scotia. Adopted FCSG with minor Amendments on August 31, 1998. Provincial guidelines adopted -- no designation.

[ Return to Map ]