Children Come First: A Report to Parliament Reviewing the Provisions and Operation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines Volume 2

National Library of Canada cataloguing in publication data

Main entry under title:

Children come first: a report to Parliament reviewing the provisions and operation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines

Consists of Vol. 1 and 2.
Also issued in French under title: Les enfants d'abord : rapport au Parlement concernant les dispositions et l'application des Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants.
Also issued on the Internet.

This report may be reproduced, in part or in whole, and by any means, without charge or further permission from the Department of Justice Canada, provided that due diligence is exercised in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced; that the Department of Justice Canada is identified as the source department; and that the reproduction is not represented as an official version of the original report.

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2002)
  (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)

Cat. J2-186/2002-2E
ISBN 0-662-32069-7

1.  Child support -- Law and legislation -- Canada.
I.  Canada. Dept. of Justice.

KE600.C44 2002    346.7101'72
